♥ Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Some cool air to cool my head O:
Randomness whilst in Genting XD
Date : 18/9/09'

Just sketching some random stuff @ 1:37 PM
♥ Tuesday, September 15, 2009
O.o" lol. macc XD
LOL. latest chibified drawinng.
the what was vanny's idea.
nearly drew a ballerina. HAHA.
oh hum. dont classify them legs as bowling ball pins T_T
Just sketching some random stuff @ 8:57 PM
♥ Saturday, September 12, 2009
O: another random-ed pic
mind perpetually blank whilst drawing this. lol.

gewen said my drawings were totally stick thin.
and anorexic. lol.
perhaps i should draw plumper ones nxt time =x
well. i did improve, =x= in sec 2 i was drawing bodies
with the same width as the neck =3=
oh wells XD
Just sketching some random stuff @ 2:44 AM
♥ Thursday, September 10, 2009
Random O:
my first ghostie picture =x=
lols. kinda thinking of Shaman King Amidamaru and Magister Negi Magi's
classroom earth bound spirit whilst drawing this O_O"
date:9/9/09' O_O (this date is never coming again XD lol.)

Just sketching some random stuff @ 12:26 PM
♥ Tuesday, September 8, 2009
XD trigger-happy drawing mood (:
SHOTAROOO XD side glance gaze.
semi-pissed look ^_^ lols.
referenced (:
1st attempt at referencing shading as well =_=

Just sketching some random stuff @ 9:41 PM